Computing and Numerical Methods
This is a list of relevant links and resources for part of the teaching in the
Computing and Numerical Methods module in the Erasmus Mundus MSc in Nuclear Physics.
1 Virtual Machine GNU/Linux (Mint distribution)
- The first step is to install VirtualBox.
This package can be downloaded in Choose the file in accordance with
your operating system, download also the extension pack -same file for all
operating systems- in the link: vbox-extpack. Install VirtualBox and the
extension package. You can find in this link a video showing how to install the extension package. - You can now download the virtual machine in this link NucPhys-Mint-CompNum.ova
- Load the virtual machine into your VirtualBox using
File -> Import Appliance
- The default username is
with an identical password. You are advised
to change the password to a new one, try to choose a password that you would
not forget. - Depending on your previous experience with GNU/Linux, you can find useful this FossWire GNU/Linux-UNIX refcard
2 Git Lessons
We will explain a basic introduction to the git
version control system. Some
links of interest are:
slides: you can download them in this link git slidesGitLab
cheatsheet: it can be downloaded in this link this link- A rather complete reference: ProGit Book
3 Python Lessons
You can find all lessons -still working on them, expect changes- in this link
python notes gitbook. The notes start explaining how to install Anaconda
in a
system and we have split the contents in six lessons. Each lesson
has several exercises.
There is some supplementary material needed for some of the lessons:
- Lesson 1: Supplementary Material
- Lesson 2: Supplementary Material
- Lesson 3: Python Ref Cards
In order to be able to export as pdf your notebooks you need to install several
packages not selected by default in the virtual machine. Use the command: sudo apt install texlive-xetex texlive-fonts-recommended
4 Possible Final Projects
We provide here examples of final projects for the module. They should serve of
inspiration for students looking for their own project.
- Solving a Quartic Oscillator using a Harmonic Oscillator Basis
- Volatility Distribution in S\&P 500 Price Fluctuations
- Conway’s Life Game
- Lorenz’s strange attractor
5 2020 Class Recordings
You can find class recordings in the following links:
Created: 2020-12-19 Sat 01:23